About Me

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Joyce M. Anderson is a Provisional Elder in the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church. She draws on her MBA and MDiv education and nonprofit and for-profit corporate work experiences to encourage an “Art of War” approach to spiritual warfare.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Over the last 5 days it is absolutely amazing how much fear has been personally expressed to me in face-to-face conversations about this Blog.  I am advised over and over that “no clergyperson in their right mind” is going to write on it, and not because they are too busy, but because they are afraid to talk openly about racial tension in our churches.  And posting under “Anonymous” is considered way too risky. 
The real risk (and insanity) is in thinking that seminars, retreats and specialized training of clergy and their congregations will help to eradicate racism in our churches.  They haven’t and they won’t, any more than putting the African American Hymnal next to the traditional hymnal in the pews of white churches will get us moving toward meaningful worship integration. Only open and honest dialogue will result in progress and real reconciliation.  Anyone who has a black brother-in-law or a “bi-racial” grandchild knows what I’m talking about.  When someone finally speaks up to say: “This is what I am experiencing, and this is how it feels,” there is immediate progress, whether not everyone is listening. Being heard is a start.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to not be in my right mind! ;-)

    Thanks for your courage to create such a blog and for the grace you have received my comments. Great food for thought here!
